From the inside out. Unnamed. Upside down.
I remember meeting the world, or the bits of it that came into my eyes to the roots of my understanding, a few years ago.
I remember it in a certain way. The features I think it had. The timbre of its voice. The peculiar configuration of its face and the fleeting constancy of its figure.
I remember meeting the world a few years ago. And I don't know when it was that I woke up and the world I knew was unfamiliar to me. It certainly was a slow metamorphosis, a planned lying change… so I couldn’t see it happening, right before my eyes. It was the nose that grew, a tiny breath with every turn of the months. The strands of hair that turned into other colors so slowly that the human eye couldn’t have felt it happening. It was the skin that went pale, as in the winter months, getting colder and windy by the day.
It was something that became something else that I had not noticed until everything was strange, foreign, unknown to me.
I don’t remember this world, and I don’t know how to learn the shades of its face if every day it changes like the surface of a sea beaten by the wind.I don't know how to find it beautiful, just as I don't know how to find it in any way, with any adjectives. I don't know how to find it and that's enough. And if I look for it, I have no way of seeing it anywhere where my understanding has the confidence to go. I have no dislike for it, just as I have no feelings that I could describe or construct. It escapes me, like the hours and passes before me without courtesies or rudeness of any kind. I do not belong to it. It doesn't want or rejects me, and I don't know what fear or sympathy I should devote to it.
I remember meeting the world a few years ago, and the world was not this one. Not a distant relative. An acquaintance. A friend of a friend. They actually never met.
I remember meeting the world, knowing it well, and the world wasn’t this one. And the strangeness is such that, today, I think one of us is certainly in the wrong place without being aware of it. That one of us is lost, wandering through life as if it was a dream. From the inside out. Unnamed... and upside down.